
Showing posts from March, 2022


 Prof. Wole Soyinka says : 'WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? WAKE UP NIGERIAN YOUTHS!'~~~ "Awolowo was 37 years, Akintola 36, Ahmadu Bello 36, Balewa 34, Okotie-Eboh 27 and Enahoro 27 And they led the struggle for Nigeria Independence after the death of Macaulay. Only Zik was 42 at the time! In 1966, the first military coup was led by K Nzeogwu who was 29 years and countered by M.Mohammed 28, T. Danjuma 28, I. Babangida 25, J. Garba 23, Sani Abacha 23, and M. Yar'adua 23, And brought to power Y. Gowon 32, Ojukwu 33, Obasanjo 29, And Buhari 24! Most of the military governors who governed the states under the successive military regimes were under 30 years. Also, the brief democratic dispensation which interjected the military interregnums also saw some Senators and members of the House of Representatives, in particular, populated by persons under 30! Under 30's were also not in short supply with appointments - we have examples of MT Mbu who became Nigeria's Foreign Affair...

Media Colonisation: Effect, Impact and Lessons

*As copied* The British government spends € 600 million annually on the BBC World Service (the BBC's international advertising branch). And every week, this World Service reaches 96 million people in Africa, the channel's largest audience.  Now ask yourself, why would the British government spend 600 million euros EVERY YEAR to inform African people?  As Carter G. Woodson said ′ ′ If you can control a man's thinking, you don't have to worry about his actions. When you determine what a man should think, you don't have to worry about what he is going to do. If you make a man feel inferior, you don't have to force him to accept an inferior state, because he will look for you himself. If you make a man think he is just an outcast, you don't have to send him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one. "  Now, here it comes: France.  Every year, France spends 273 million euros on 3 inte...