The length of days of an individual doesn't determine his fulfillment of purpose but by the impact made by an individual.
One of the best decision you can make in life is to help others, let your love reflect in their life,help as much people as you can, you'll never regret, not everyone will reciprocate the love,sure, but it will go a long way in fulfilling your purpose here on earth.
As individuals we have different expectations from different aspects of our lives we make our personalities a unique one and that's why we have different opinions and point of view, which varies due to our psychological and biological makeup.
Love is a tender feeling of happiness and joy, we all derive joy from different things,so is love, there are various things we expect from love, yet there's one thing in common with our predictions,love simplifies life,Yes and it brings happiness to our soul.
Having affection towards others may seem difficult at some point as it may not yield desired results,but let's look at this from another perspective, if you were to give the opposite of love to others what would be the gain nothing really but perpetual damnation and total disappointment any given time, yet if you decide to do otherwise,when you give love directly to people you may also experience some little difficulties, but one thing is certain, you'll surely receive love from one person or the other at any given period of time.
so many people at different phases of their life has experienced heartbreak it's quite unfortunate as it often ends in tears and maybe a long lasting scar as memory will always play it's role.
There are several ways love can be expressed, we can also love by giving and appreciating others, giving word of encouragement also by spending time with people, the little time you spend with someone may actually be the reason why that soul is still moving and striving to still be on his feet.
Being successful is determined by the worthiness and value you impose on others and it's visible facts.
Individuals who are desiring and aspiring to be great ; it's not too hard to love , funny enough we can love an individual to the optimum but without any impact.
We should share love and be impactful in our lifetime,our success clock is ticking, the more value you give out the bigger the impact you impact you give out, the more successful you'll be.
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