The new normalcy is in no doubt a cankerworm to the society, a question to behold, How on earth is a teenager depressed? What responsibility is such individual depressed about? Individual find themselves in relatively difficult situations compare to some period aback.
Individuals tend to ponder on mysterious questions, when they find themselves in an unknown situation unconsciously exiting in a world unknown, situations and happenings around had made individual view trivial things as cumbersome and rigid, things of little or no significance is now uncompromising.
It cannot be far fetched some of the reasons for depression.
1. Self doubt: Self doubt creeps in and that slowly and swiftly turns to depression, how you feel, thinks and behave can lead to variety of emotional problems.
2. Age: People who are elderly are at high risk of depression, the case can get worse , if they live alone or lack social and emotional support.
3. Abuse: Physical, Emotional and Sexual abuse, can make an individual more vulnerable to depression later in life .
4. Gender: Women are more likely to become depressed, about twice as likely as men. The hormonal changes women go through at different times of their lives play a role.
5. Personal Problems: Personal problem such as social anxiety or the feeling of being cast out of a group can contribute to the risk of developing depression.
There’s variety of activity that improves mood with lasting effects on people with depression, the mainstay of treatment is usually talk therapy or medications , better still a combination of both.
1. Eating nutritious meal : Eating meals that contains balanced diet helps to stay physically heathy and can help you feel all round better. Theres no diet that fixes depression . It’s a good idea to watch what you eat though.
2. Exercise: Depression can strip away the structure from your life, one day melts into the next, regular exercise tends to boost chemicals called endorphins and relieve depression. It help the brain to rewire itself in positive ways. How much exercise do you need? You don’t need to run marathons, just walking a few times a week can help . You can try skipping though.
3. Get enough sleep: Go to bed and get up the same time every day. Although depression can make it worse to get enough sleep and too little sleep can make it worse . What can you do? Try not to nap, take all distraction out of your reach.
4. Take on responsibilities: Staying involved and having daily responsibilities can help you maintain a lifestyle that can help counter depression, you may want to give up on your responsibilities at home and work. Don’t. If you’re not up to a full time school or work, think about part time, if it seems too much, consider volunteer work.
5. Do something new: Pick up a used book, Take a language class, go to a museum, volunteer at a soup kitchen, Do something new. What if nothing becomes fun anyway? You’ll have to keep trying, you have to relearn how to do something in time like this, find this interesting until you feel fun again.
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